Food For Thought

Heme Iron vs. Non-Heme Iron

Heme Iron vs. Non-Heme Iron

Iron has many important functions in the body: Helps with brain development & growth in children Needed for normal production and function of certain types of cells Boosts resistance to...

Heme Iron vs. Non-Heme Iron

Iron has many important functions in the body: Helps with brain development & growth in children Needed for normal production and function of certain types of cells Boosts resistance to...

Chia Seed Benefits: Are You Eating This Superfood?

Chia Seed Benefits: Are You Eating This Superfood?

What superfoods have you been eating these days? Have you been making room in your diet for one of the most nutritious, superfood seeds on the planet? If not, we...

Chia Seed Benefits: Are You Eating This Superfood?

What superfoods have you been eating these days? Have you been making room in your diet for one of the most nutritious, superfood seeds on the planet? If not, we...

Why We Don’t Need to Drink Milk to Get Enough Calcium

Why We Don’t Need to Drink Milk to Get Enough C...

Guess That Vitamin:  This nutrient is associated with this popular ad campaign. Besides helping to keep our bones healthy, it has many other vital functions in the body. Is drinking...

Why We Don’t Need to Drink Milk to Get Enough C...

Guess That Vitamin:  This nutrient is associated with this popular ad campaign. Besides helping to keep our bones healthy, it has many other vital functions in the body. Is drinking...

Vitamin D: The Vitamin That Fights Disease

Vitamin D: The Vitamin That Fights Disease

Vitamin D has many important functions in the body: Helps the body absorb and retain adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus (extremely important for bone health) Needed for bone growth...

Vitamin D: The Vitamin That Fights Disease

Vitamin D has many important functions in the body: Helps the body absorb and retain adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus (extremely important for bone health) Needed for bone growth...

The Vitamin you Have Never Heard of

The Vitamin you Have Never Heard of

We have another nutrition riddle for you. In 1862, this nutrient was name after the Greek term for bile (chole) because it was first isolated from ox bile. It was...

The Vitamin you Have Never Heard of

We have another nutrition riddle for you. In 1862, this nutrient was name after the Greek term for bile (chole) because it was first isolated from ox bile. It was...

The Magical Vitamin Made by Bacteria

The Magical Vitamin Made by Bacteria

What vitamin is made by bacteria, including bacteria in the soil, bacteria in bodies of water, and bacteria that are housed in the stomachs of grazing animals, such as cows...

The Magical Vitamin Made by Bacteria

What vitamin is made by bacteria, including bacteria in the soil, bacteria in bodies of water, and bacteria that are housed in the stomachs of grazing animals, such as cows...

At FoodNerd, we're on a mission to redefine what kids eat today, tomorrow, and in the future. We make a wide range of tasty foods, but underneath all that deliciousness, we’re also setting new standards for nutrient density. We believe that parents should never have to compromise their children's well-being because of busy schedules or a lack of great pre-packaged options. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to creating nibbles that are positively brimming with the goodness of nature’s best ingredients.

Our secret? Through meticulous research and development, we've harnessed a groundbreaking method (we call it Nutrient Lock Cold Processing) that preserves the natural vitality of fruits, vegetables, and sprouted seeds, ensuring that up to 98% of the nutrients remain intact. This also means that we don’t need to add any “filler” ingredients that cancel out the benefits of the best nutrients. We think it’s pretty remarkable science, but the most exciting bit goes beyond the nutritional excellence — our favorite part is that our kids love to eat something that’s so good for their future selves.

Our products are designed to seamlessly fit into the ups and downs of parenthood. Whether it's snack time on the go, or dinner time where you’re like “where did the day go?” our healthy creations are there to support you. At FoodNerd, we believe that the healthy growth and development of our kids should go hand in hand with scientific rigor, tasty delight, and the kind of love for little ones that would make one stop at nothing in the pursuit to revolutionize how food gets made for the next generation.